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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

And The Winner Of This Election Is......

United Russia! Meaning, Dmitry Medvedev is Prime Minister of Russia once again! (I think him and Putin go well together, what do you think?) Before you ask, yes, there were reports that the election was rigged. They now have 343 seats in the State Duma, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation has 42, the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia has 39, A Just Russia has 23, and new this year, Rodina has 1 and an independent candidate has 1.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Russian Election This Year

Haven't been on in awhile, so I thought I would post today. So earlier this year I learned that the next election in Russia is this September! Hopefully, that will mean no more Vladimir Putin. Also, I have another blog now, it's more of a personal blog and blog about chemistry, you can find it here: