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Monday, October 5, 2015

Russia Takes On Syria (among other things)

Hello readers! The fight against ISIS has come to the point where Russia is now involved. Of course, the Kremlin has been quick to deny this.

Also, I found this AMAZING blog. I play The Sims 3, and many people choose to take on what's called a "legacy challenge". I am doing on that is half a tribute to Dmitri Mendeleev, and half the periodic table of elements. Check it out here:

Thursday, August 27, 2015

New Page on the Blog

Today I added a new page to the blog. If you think I should add or fix something on it, feel free to tell me.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Wow, You Really ARE Useless…

Not sure if this is a new hack, but on the news a couple days ago, the Russians (I suspect their government) hacked the United States government…and got the president's timetable. Useless really.

Monday, March 2, 2015

RIP, Boris Nemtsov

As you have probably heard by now, Boris Nemtsov was shot dead Friday in Moscow. Putin is suspected to have something to do with it. Protests were held in his memory yesterday. Could this mean a new Russian Revolution?